Milana Vayntrub and Isabela Merced Education
Milana Vayntrub was born in New York City. She's an American television and film actor. She is most famous for her role as 'Lily Adams,' TV salesperson who is featured in the commercials of AT&T. Milana has become a household brand in 2013 after appearing in a series of commercials. She is a popular American popular TV star ever since AT&T's commercials were a big hit. Since then, she's appeared in a variety of mainstream television programs, films, series that screen, web-series music videos, as well as documentaries. Her name is well-known on Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms. A lot of her followers are on her feed regularly to keep track of her. She also hopes to become a comedian and director of commercials. As a director of music videos too, Vayntrub claims to be at ease standing in front of the camera. Milana is becoming more popular with every passing day thanks to her NBC show 'This Is Us.' It first aired in 2016.
Isabela Merced was born in Cleveland, Ohio and grew there. Her date of birth is 10th July 2001, and her zodiac symbol is Cancer. Born to Katherine who hails from Lima Peru while her father, Patrick Moner comes from Louisiana. The young actress once confessed in a recent interview that Spanish is not her mother tongue, and she found it difficult to acquire English initially. She considers herself an American. The college she attended was when she was 15. Isabela Moner aka Isabela Merced's acting profession began at a Community Theatre, where she was part of several productions. You will be shocked to discover that Isabela Merced had just turned six when she appeared in her debut production of a theatre. Four years ago, she made her debut on Broadway. A further thing that is inspiring is that the young actress, Isabela Merced debuted at the age of 10, when she played the role of 'Evita' which was released in 2012. The film received a lot of praise in the role. Broadway debut. Five- Gave starred in amazing shows When she made her Broadway debut, the stunning actress has never looked back. She is still working tirelessly for roles as an actor. After that, in 2013, she starred in the hit show, '100 Things to do before Highschool'. 6- Released a Music Album (Debut) in 2015, the actress-cum-singer, Isabela Merced released her first music album named 'Stopping Time'. Then, she was able to play in the telefilm movie titled 'Legends of the Temple of Hidden Light.'

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